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Children are like stars. They sparkle and shine. They are the most precious beings we will ever have in our lives. Based on Dave Hedges


My kids will enjoy fun creativity moments, playing, creating crafts, and colouring paints. Colors, sounds, smells, and textures will help my children to discover the world.


A loving environment is the basis of the program. We will start with a prayer moment. During the day, my children will have amazing moments through dressing up and playing shows.   


I aim to contribute to my children´s intelectual developme
nt. We will enjoy special moments in our reading corner and will watch select programs and movies to explore the world, the colors and the sounds. Your kid will discover the Spanish World too.



A clean and healthy environment is my priority. Non-smoke, non-pets and healthy-and-home-cooked-meals are some of the characteristics of the home for your kid. I have a fully independent, and bright space in my home for your kid. I am two blocks far away from the Main Beach of my community, where your kid will play and enjoy safe outdoors activities wheather permiting.



According to their age, I develop academic activities to help them to learn concepts such as colors, words, numbers and relations, and to start developing skills for handwriting, get focused, and enjoy learning.  I use workbooks and other materials which are specifically design for this kind of instruction.

I have developed a very good bilingual program for my Kids, English / Spanish. I provide all materials, books and notebooks. 

My Program has a variety of activities to be fun and learn. I use music, dance, exercise, crafts, colouring. The English books help to develop math and hand-writing skills, everything is designed according to their ages.

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